Sunday, May 19, 2013

May I have some popcorns?

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Last Thursday, I didn't go to school and went to Mid Valley with Aliah, Aimuni, Hannah and Fazira. So sad that Rezky and Elena didn't join us. Keluar ni kira nak hangout dengan gang before others sambung study. Hannah will go to Egypt but in September so still got time to spend with her. Elena and Fazira got uitm. As for me, I still got plenty of time at home as I'm taking stpm kan hahaha.

Aliah and I went to Klcc together and met Fazira at the lrt station. And then we went to Kl Central to meet Aimuni. Thirty minutes while waiting for Hannah, macam biasalah kami bergosip. There were lot of stories! Dari kes eina dengan afiq, sampai lah indah water hahaha. I don't know why, but me and my friends always talked about nonsense and random things. It's soooo us! Lol

After we reached Mid Valley, we headed to Gsc to watch movies. Tapi tak plan pun lagi nak tengok cerita apa. Yang ada pun 99 kali rindu, Oh Mak Kau, Star Trek. Yang paling best pun Iron Man 3, tapi dah tengok. Still, bila dah sampai depan tiket kaunter pun tak boleh nak decide lagi. Ada dalam tiga minutes jugak lah kitorang buat meeting depan kaunter tu and then decided tak jadi and pergi Nando's for lunch dulu. Lepas makan, baru nak tengok movies.

So, after we done with our dishes, macam biasalah we called the waiter and asked for the bill. As soon as we got the bill, semua pakat tarik2 bill and read something, not just the things that we ordered and the price. It was so.. fishy. Mentang2 lah aku duduk paling tepi and always the one that yang paling last terima berita hahaha. And after Hannah gave me the bill, I noticed there was a note on top of the bill. It says "yang pakai selendang hitam, duduk tepi sekali. Comel sangat :3" Lol the waiter gave the note to Hannah!

After that, we went to search sport shoes for Aliah and sling bag for Hannah. Then, we went for movies. We decided to watch Olympus Has Fallen and the cashier was sooo annoying! She kept asking us wether we are above 18 or not. Sampai Aliah jawab, "yelah, kami above 18. Tak percaya ke?" And then as usual, we went to buy popcorns and straight away to the theatre room. Lepas habis je movies, Hannah and Muni told us they got a funny story to tell us. Guess what, the girl that sat next to Muni asked her for some popcorns! Not a girl actually because she looks more older then us. Hahahaha this is the first time ever I heard a stranger asking for some popcorn.

Oh and by the way, I noticed there was a boy in my school but we are not in the same class but I'm not sure which class. Science, I think. Its not that I like him, but he caught my attention ahaha. During orientation, he's the only boy that I think boleh tahan lah~ and yesterday, after school he walked in front of me while I was waiting for my mum. I still don't know his name....... Until he added me on Fb last night.