Friday, April 19, 2013

Throwback 2012


I am so bored right now so I think it will be fun for me to write something, maybe making some throwback sebab bila tengok twitter/facebook/blogs,  semunya bosan so.. i decide to write some strories.. it begin like this.. goyangkan punggung anda 2 shake 3.. itwill be fun if you do it with family i seriosly fun i just tr


Abaikan ayat lepas 'twitter/facebook/blogs..' tu sebab my little brother wrote that. Hahaha silly nya!! I have no idea what he's trying to say. Okay whatever, I'm going to write a really long stories about last year, all my bitter-sweet things about 2012. Seriously, last year was the year that I realized how my family and my friends are so important. Yelah, memang tahu diaorang penting tapi tahun lepas baru tahu pentingnya jaga perasaan diaorang and sedar diorang ada bila susah/senang.

As last year was my senior year, and I have to face spm, so its kinda hard for me to balance myself. Usually, when I was fourteen, I always slept during class especially addmath, physics and history (but I revised my history subject when I was at home hehe). Tapi, bila dah masuk form five, all of my friends dah macam serious gila time class. Leaving me all alone daydreaming *facepalm*

And macam biasa lah kan, dah nak dekat2 exam, banyak lah distraction datang. I gotta say that I really disappointed with myself (acah2 menyesal haha) because I did a lot of bad things before even telling my family and friends. Bila dah buat, baru bagitau orang and then I got a lot of critics. Its a positive critics actually but then I was to blind that I assumed they were all negative. Teruk kan?

As example, one of my friends, Josh always said 'I dont like you and him as a unit' and Aliah kept telling me that I've changed since I got a boyfriend. But then, I ignored them and thought they were just being jealous of me. Bila fikir2, siapa aku sampai diorang nak jealous? Ya Allah geli nya! And yeah, I was left heartbroken two months before spm. And my friends, Aliah, Aimuni, Rezky, Fazira, Hannah and Elena were always by my side. Terharu kan bila Rezky hantar text 'what doest kill you makes you stronger'. Even its just a simple word, but I felt touched.

And then, I got another problem but then I didn't tell my friends which was a really stupid idea. Back then I cried alone almost every night and then went to school with swollen eyes one day. My friends asked my why, but I refused to tell them. I thought I can handle it all by myself, until I realized it was impossible for me to do it. So I told my friends at the end. It was a little too late I think because it was already a month before spm. Since then, they were the one yang banyak tolong especially part study sebab Aliah and the others perasan aku dah macam melayang sorang2.

The polaroid pictures were taken during Aimuni's open house in 2011. I was wearing my school's uniform at that time haha. Even ini 2011 punya gambar, its still one of my favourite moments. Most of my classmates were there and we had so much fun. Aimuni buat mee wantan and cupcakes. Sedap sangat!

This was taken on 1st September last year kot tak silap. Ini dekat rumah Hana Ameera, dia buat open house tapi malam. Time petang, open housedekat rumah aku tapi sibuk sangat so tak ada gambar. Actually, open house tahun lepas kena handle sendiri2 as my parents weren't at home. Pagi tu my mom siapkan bahan2 untuk Laksa Sarawak and petang tu, ramai yang datang. I asked my close friend to come at night sebab takut tak dapat layan diorang time petang. So Rezky, Hannah, Josh, Zulina, Aliah, Aimuni, Fazira and her lil brother datang time malam. Then dalam pukul 9pm tu we walked to rumah Hana Ameera.Time dekat tepi sekolah taman selasih tu ada satu lorong gelap ni, and then siapa entah yang suruh lari sebab ada hantu, so kitorang pun lari lah hahahaha seriously it was freaking funny! Semua pakai baju kurung lawa2 and then lari macam betul2 kena kejar hantu. Lol

 It was the last day untuk Tuisyen Kasturi so me and Rezky decided to wear baju kurung. Actually teringin nak tangkap gambar dekat station lrt so kitorang pun gatal pergi turun dekat Ampang Point. Two weeks at Kasturi was fun. Lepas tuition je mesti pergi central market. Oh btw, ada sorang budak cina dekat Kasturi tu handsome sangat! Macam Jay Park, tinggi and then pakai full-frame spec. Tapi dah ada girlfriend. Girlfriend dia pun sweet, tegur kitorang even tak pernah kenal :)

Ini time hari kantin (30 Jun). Me and my firiends (Aimuni, Rezky, Fazira, Aliah, Hannah, Elena, Zulina, Lishya and Alvina) bukak gerai jual spagheti and sweetcorn. Alhamdulillah, we sold all of our spagheti and sweetcorn! Actually malam sebelum tu, me and Zulina went to Hannah's house to helped Hannah's mom buat sos spagheti. Sedap sangat sos spagheti mak Hannah! And then dalam pukul 3 pagi me, Hannah and Zulina start rebus spagheti. Mula2 plan nak beli pasta jenama San Remo tapi bila ingat nak save, kitorang pun beli yang murah (tapi bukan yang paling murah, takut tak sedap) but then bila bukak pack pasta tu, ada yang dah rosak. So pagi tu tak tidur, terpaksa bersengkang mata buang pasta yang rosak. Even tak tidur, time jual tu tak rasa mengantuk pun. Seronok tengok orang makan apa yang kami masak, and comment sedap. Balik je sekolah, qada' balik tidur dekat rumah Hannah sampai petang hahaha.

This was taken after Biology's paper, the last day of our spm!! Kitorang punya dewan dekat belakang tu, pintu warna ungu. Haha siapa entah cakap macam tadika kemas. Sedihnya tengok gambar ni, hari last pakai uniform sekolah. Rindunyaaaa! Btw hari last spm ni tak tahu lah kenapa kelam kabut sangat. Time nak masuk dewan untuk jawab paper 3, aku perasan aku terbawak telekung bawak masuk dewan. Lepas tu gelabah keluar balik dewan sebab nak simpan telekung. And then, dah masuk dewan, I noticed that my purse tak ada dalam poket! At the time, ada RM30 dalam purse tu. As a student yang tak berduit sangat, amount tu sangat banyak bagi aku. Lepas habis jawab, rasa tak tenang sangat. Aku sure aku tertinggal purse dekat kantin so aku redha je lah kalau tak dapat balik purse tu. Bila masa menjawab paper 3 habis je, semua seronok gembira excited except for me. Aku pandang Iman dekat sebelah sambil buat muka sedih,

Me: Iman, purse aku hilang. Aku sedih :(
Iman: Ni ke dompet kau? *sambil tunjuk dompet aku
Me: Eh macam mana kau dapat? 
Iman: Rafeq bagi kat aku suruh bagi kat kau. Dia jumpa dekat kantin.
Me: Habis tu  kenapa kau tak bagi dekat aku??
Iman: Saje nak buat kau cuak.

Perghh nasib baik lah rezeki kan.  Nasib baik aku pandang kawan belah kanan, bukan kawan belah kiri. Haha kalau mengadu dekat Wafin yang duduk belah kiri, memang kecewa. Nasib baik aku tak simpan kad pengenalan dalam purse, aku simpan dalam pencil case. Kalau lah kad pengenalan tak ada time nak jawab paper tu, lagi lah tak tenang.

 Ini gambar time form four actually tapi rasa cantik so nak masukkan jugak haha. From left is Marlena (an exchange student from America), Aimi, Kiera, Me, and Hannah :)

 Can you spot me? I was sitting, fifth from the left. Yang seronok sangat goyang kaki dan tak pandang camera, itu lah saya. This was taken during First Lego League Malaysia Open Championship. Saya tak ambil bahagian, saya jadi volunteer je hehe. This event was held at Taylor's University and it was a two days event. Walaupun penat, tapi seronok dapat ramai kawan and mostly chinese... and dapat tengok banyak orang handsome. 


As conclusion, I was glad that I was the part of Bestarian. Even it was only for two years, we did a lot of things together such as bukak puasa sama2, hangout time weekend, pergi tengok wayang sama2, keluar makan sama2. Kalau tengok balik, time form five, ada lima orang je lelaki. Walaupun diorang kadang2 skema, bila nak hujung tahun tu, diorang dah mula sama kepala dengan perempuan2 lain. Budak2 perempuan 5 Bestari nakal dan bising hahahaha so lima orang budak lelaki ni selalu kena buli.

Rindunyaaaa :'(